Software for Catching Flash(.swf) from Websites
1) Flash catcher
2) Flash Saver
1. How to enable the mnemonics (underline) being displayed when an application is launched?
Usually the underline appears only after you press the Alt Key, but you can enable it by changing the Operating System Settings. On Windows XP, Right Click Desktop to bring up the Display Properties Dialog and then choose Appearance tab and then the Effects Button and uncheck the checkbox "Hide Underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press the ALT Key".
2. An easy way to build connection string.
Though this in not related to .NET directly but it is useful while working with ADO.NET
Collapse1) Open a New notepad and save it with "udl" extension, suppose "New.udl".2) Now you will see that it's icon is changed.3) Open it, you will find Data Link properties dialog box.4) For SQl Server connection string select
1) Flash catcher
2) Flash Saver
1. How to enable the mnemonics (underline) being displayed when an application is launched?
Usually the underline appears only after you press the Alt Key, but you can enable it by changing the Operating System Settings. On Windows XP, Right Click Desktop to bring up the Display Properties Dialog and then choose Appearance tab and then the Effects Button and uncheck the checkbox "Hide Underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press the ALT Key".
2. An easy way to build connection string.
Though this in not related to .NET directly but it is useful while working with ADO.NET
Collapse1) Open a New notepad and save it with "udl" extension, suppose "New.udl".2) Now you will see that it's icon is changed.3) Open it, you will find Data Link properties dialog box.4) For SQl Server connection string select
Microsoft OLE DB Provider For SQL Server in Provider
Tab.5) Click button "Next" or select Connection Tab6) Here you can
select all connection details and press button Test Connection. If it is
successful close this dialog box.7) Now open this file using "Notepad",
you will find the connection string. Though it is built for OLE DB type
of connection, you can use for SQL Server connection by removing
Provider attribute. NOTE: If you are using SQL Authentication with
password, then check the checkbox Allow Saving Password.This is
necessary so that password appears in connection string.
3. How to add a custom or destination folder to SendTo menu?
one knows about SendTo menu that appears after right click on any
file.By default there are 4 options or destinations in this menu. But
you can add custom destinations to this menu. Adding other locations to
the Send To menu is convenient if you frequently perform the same file
management tasks. For example, if you back up files on another network
computer or on same machine where you have to navigate through a deep
path every day, having the computer on the Send To menu can save you
To add a destination to the Send To menu follow the steps given below:
Open My Computer.
the drive where Windows is installed (usually drive C, unless you have
more than one drive on your computer). If you can't see the items on
your drive when you open it, under System Tasks, click Show the contents
of this drive.
Double-click the Documents and Settings folder.
Double-click the folder of a specific user.
the SendTo folder. The SendTo folder is hidden by default. If it is not
visible, on the Tools menu, click Folder Options. On the View tab,
click Show hidden files and folders.
On the File menu, point to New, and then click Shortcut.
Follow the instructions on your screen.
4)Read a text fileThe
following sample code uses a StreamReader class to read the System.ini
file. The contents of the file are added to a ListBox control. The
try...catch block is used to alert the program if the file is empty.
There are many ways to determine when the end of the file is reached;
this sample uses the Peek method to examine the next line before reading
Dim reader As StreamReader = _ New StreamReader(winDir
& "\system.ini") Try Me.ListBox1.Items.Clear() Do
Me.ListBox1.Items.Add(reader.ReadLine) Loop Until reader.Peek = -1 Catch
Me.ListBox1.Items.Add("File is empty") Finally reader.Close() End Try
5)Write a text fileThis
sample code uses a StreamWriter class to create and write to a file. If
you have an existing file, you can open it in the same way.
writer As StreamWriter = _ New StreamWriter("c:\KBTest.txt")
writer.WriteLine("File created using StreamWriter class.")
6) View file informationThis
sample code uses a FileInfo object to access a file's properties.
Notepad.exe is used in this example. The properties appear in a ListBox
Dim FileProps As FileInfo = New FileInfo(winDir &
"\notepad.exe") With Me.ListBox1.Items .Clear() .Add("File Name = "
& FileProps.FullName) .Add("Creation Time = " &
FileProps.CreationTime) .Add("Last Access Time = " &
FileProps.LastAccessTime) .Add("Last Write Time = " &
FileProps.LastWriteTime) .Add("Size = " & FileProps.Length) End
With FileProps = Nothing
7) List disk drivesThis
sample code uses the Directory and Drive classes to list the logical
drives on a system. For this sample, the results appear in a ListBox
Dim dirInfo As Directory Dim drive As String
Me.ListBox1.Items.Clear() Dim drives() As String =
dirInfo.GetLogicalDrives() For Each drive In drives
Me.ListBox1.Items.Add(drive) Next
8)List subfoldersThis sample code uses the GetDirectories method of the Directory class to get a list of folders.
dir As String Me.ListBox1.Items.Clear() Dim dirs() As String =
Directory.GetDirectories(winDir) For Each dir In dirs
Me.ListBox1.Items.Add(dir) Next
9)List filesThis sample code uses the GetFiles method of the Directory class to get a list of files.
file As String Me.ListBox1.Items.Clear() Dim files() As String =
Directory.GetFiles(winDir) For Each file In files
Me.ListBox1.Items.Add(file) Next
SQL Server
10) Using add linked server for connecting one server to another external Database server
Connecting Another DB with windows authentication
exec sp_addlinkedserver [intranetbd]
Connecting Another DB with User defined authentication Syntax:
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'Accounts', 'false', NULL, 'SQLUser', 'Password'
exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin [intranetbd],false,'qteam','tsms','Hr'
Accessing the DB serverselect DISTINCT c_id from [intranetbd].Hr.dbo.projects
Found under SQL Server 2005
Server objects -> Linked server
11. Sub Query – Query within Query
Ex : select * from EMP Where Id not in (SELECT Max(Id) from EMP group by Name) order by name
12. Write query to get 10 records (random wise) from Table, with out use DESC and TOP Command.Query :
(select count(*) from Empwhere Name <= t.Name) as SRNo,* from
Emp t where 11<=(select count(*) from Emp where Name <=
t.Name)and 20>=(select count(*) from Emp where Name <=
t.Name)order by Name
13. Write query to using Having Statement: ->It can be used with group by and aggregate function like avg, sum, max, min, etc,.
Exampleselect count(Name) from Emp group by Name having count(Name)>1
14) using Substring and charindex
CHARINDEX SYNTAX CHARINDEX( text to find, text ) => 11 Example CHARINDEX('SQL', 'Microsoft SQL Server') => 11
SUBSTRING ( expression , start , length )
SELECT x = SUBSTRING('abcdef', 2, 3) => bcd
Combined Example – 1 :
SELECT SUBSTRING(email, 1, CHARINDEX('@', email) - 1) AS Email
FROM Active_employee_list
Combined Example – 2 :
select left(mail_id,charindex('@',mail_id)-1) from emp_personal
Result : -> jayavelcs
15) using Stored ProcedureA
stored procedure is a named group of SQL statements that have been
previously created and stored in the server database. Stored procedures
accept input parameters so that a single procedure can be used over the
network by several clients using different input data. Stored procedures
reduce network traffic and improve performance.
Ex 1:CREATE PROCEDURE sp_myStoredProcedureASSelect column1, column2 From Table1
Ex2:CREATE PROCEDURE sp_myStoredProcedure @myInput intASSelect column1, column2 From Table1Where column1 = @myInput
PROCEDURE sp_myStoredProcedure @myInput int, @myString varchar(100),
@myFloatAS Ex4:CREATE PROCEDURE sp_myInsert @FirstName varchar(20),
@LastName varchar(30)AsINSERT INTO Names(FirstName,
LastName)values(@FirstName, @LastName)
Alter Procedurealter procedure
Drop procedureDrop procedure
Exec sp_myStoredProcedure 0, 'This is my string', 3.45
16) Conversion format : Here is the output from the above script:
Type 1:
select * from audit_table where convert(datetime,left(actual_audit_date,11))='09/06/2007'
Type 2:
1) CONVERT(CHAR(19),GETDATE()) ==>Feb 5 2003 5:54AM
2) CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),10 ) ==>02-05-03
3) CONVERT(CHAR(10),GETDATE(),110) ==>02-05-2003
4) CONVERT(CHAR(11),GETDATE(),106) ==>05 Feb 2003
5) CONVERT(CHAR(9),GETDATE(),6) ==>05 Feb 03
6) CONVERT(CHAR(24),GETDATE(),113) ==>05 Feb 2003 05:54:39:56
17) Using Temp table
Creatingcreate table #tableTmp (empid varchar(50))
Insertinginsert into #tableTmp
select emp_id from Bats_Log_Emp_Revenue where txn_name = 'Add Partner Employee'
select @NoTrans = count(distinct empid) from #tableTmp
drop table #tableTmp
18) Importing data from Excel to SQL Server
Select Database --> Right mouse click -- > Import data.
The wizard starts and it self-driven.
Through programmatically
* INTO db1.dbo.table1FROM OPENROWSET('MSDASQL', 'Driver={Microsoft
Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=c:\book1.xls', 'SELECT * FROM [sheet1$]')
19) Executing exe from SQL Server
declare @cmd varchar(8000)
set @cmd = 'cmd.exe /C "D:\Scheduled Tasks\LinuxBackup.exe "'
EXEC xp_cmdshell @cmd
20) Shrink Database Log File Size
USE wss_content;
-- Truncate the log by changing the database recovery model to SIMPLE.
ALTER DATABASE wss_content
-- Shrink the truncated log file to 100 MB.
DBCC SHRINKFILE (wss_content_Log, 100);
-- Reset the database recovery model.
ALTER DATABASE wss_content
21) String Functions
LEFT(S , N):
Returns the first N characters of string S from the left.
Example: LEFT('Function',6)='Functi'
RIGHT(S , N) : Returns the last N characters of string S from the right.
Example: RIGHT('Function',6)='nction'
LEN (S): Returns the number of characters in string S.
Example: LEN ('Function',6)=8
LOWER (S): Return string S after converting all characters to lower case.
Example: LOWER ('Function')='function'
UPPER (S): Return string S after converting all characters to upper case.
Example: UPPER ('Function')='FUNCTION'
LTRIM (S): Return string S after removing all blank characters from the left.
Example: LTRIM (' Function')='Function'
RTRIM (S): Return string S after removing all blank characters from the right.
Example: RTRIM ('Function ')='Function'
REPLACE ( S1 ,S2 ,S3 ): Return S1 after replacing all occurrence of S2 in it with S3
Example: REPLACE ('Function','n','123')='Fu123ctio123'
REPLICATE ( S , N): Return a repetition of string S, N times
Example: REPLICATE ('abc',3)='abcabcabc'
REVERSE ( S) : Return string S after reversing the order of all characters.
Example: REVERSE ('Function')=' noitcnuF'
SPACE(N): Return a string of repeated spaces N times.
Example: SPACE(4)=' '
STUFF ( S , I, N, S1): Return string S after deleting N characters from index I and inserting S1 at position I.
Example: STUFF ('Function', 3, 4,'abc' )='Fuabcon'
SUBSTRING ( S, I, N): Return a portion of S from index I of N characters.
Example: SUBSTRING ('Function', 3, 4)='ncti'
1) Aggregate FunctionsAVG ( [ ALL DISTINCT ] E ) :
Return the average of not null values of expression E. If ALL parameter
is specify the function is apply to all values, it is the default value. If DISTINCT parameter is specify the function is apply only on each occurrence of the value.
SELECT HOURS FROM Employee returns (7, 8, 10, 5, 4, 6, 8, 7, 11, 10,
HOURS) FROM Employee returns (7)
COUNT ( [ ALL DISTINCT ] E ]) : Return the number of item in the group of expression E. If E=* the function will return the number of record in the data source.
If ALL parameter is specify the function is apply to all values, it is
the default value. If DISTINCT parameter is specify the function is
apply only on each occurrence of the value. The parameter ALL and
DISTINCT can not be use with *.
MAX(E): Return the maximum value of expression E.
Example: SELECT HOURS FROM Employee returns (7, 8, 10, 5, 4, 6, 8, 7, 11, 10, 12) SELECT MAX(HOURS) FROM Employee return (12)
MIN(E): Return the minimum value of expression E.
Example: SELECT HOURS FROM Employee returns (7, 8, 10, 5, 4, 6, 8, 7, 11, 10, 12)
SELECT MIN(HOURS) FROM Employee return (4)
( [ ALL DISTINCT ] E): Return the SUM of not null values of expression
E. If ALL parameter is specify the function is apply to all values, it
is the default value. If DISTINCT parameter is specify the function is
apply only on each occurrence of the value. SUM can be use numeric
columns only.
Example: SELECT HOURS FROM Employee returns (7,
8, 10, 5, 4, 6, 8, 7, 11, 10, 12) SELECT SUM(HOURS) FROM Employee
returns (88) SELECT SUM(DISTINCT HOURS) FROM Employee returns (63)
29) Using Data type Conversations
Explicitly converts an expression of one data type to another. CAST and CONVERT provide similar functionality.
CAST ( expression AS data_type )
CONVERT ( data_type [ ( length ) ] , expression [ , style ] )
Ex:CONVERT(decimal(10,5), @myval)
27) Try –Catch
EXEC dbo.sp_bcr_import_data_report
PRINT 'Test';
28) Begin Tran – End Tran
begin tran mytrans;
insert into table1 values (1, 'test');
insert into table1 values (1, 'jsaureouwrolsjflseorwurw'); -- it will encounter error here since max value to be inputted is 10
commit tran mytrans;
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